poniedziałek, 25 sierpnia 2008

Raport o stanie salonowego RSS

Działał przez 9 miesięcy i zdechł. Bez zajawek RSS nie mam dostępu do salonu, więc przestałem go czytywać. Mam inne w zapasie, które działają bezproblemowo.

Dziś w pajęczynie

Co dziś piszczy w polskiej blogosferze: wybrane Blogi Polityczne i kilka blogów spoza tego katalogu Odsyłacz do niniejszej prasówki blogosferycznej - http://tinyurl.com/2ra992
Automatic translations.

[Janusz Korwin Mikke - blog oficjalny] V-BLOG: Czy Rosja będzie imperialistą?

Już dostępny: 1) bezpośrednio (link do odcinka na youtube) 2) kanał U

, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://planeta-terra.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss: The operation has timed-out.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://bartlomiejradziejewski.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://scorka.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://www.obywatel.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://jednomandatowe.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://tosz.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://krzysztofleski.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://mrittenhouse.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://salski.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://consolamentum.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://blog.media.pl.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://quasi-blog.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://idiotsynkrazja.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://rewident.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://pitulandia.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://adamwielomski.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://freeyourmind.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://halaczkiewicz.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://lendos.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://macgregor.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://politykawbikini.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://rekontra.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://przedwieczorny.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://niemcy.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://johnkowalski.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://badenczyk.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://advocem.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://c1rex.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://elguapo.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://amstern.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://kataryna.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://emigracja.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://bobtej.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://wtemaciemaci.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://oranje.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://teds.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://matix.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[] Error reading source feed.

Error reading source feed http://popiol.salon24.pl/rss.html: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to connect to the remote server.

FeedJumbler, 2008, August 25, Monday

[Najwyższy CZAS! - tygodnik konserwatywno - liberalny] Saakashvili się pomylił?

Państwa nie mają przyjaciół (ani wrogów!) - mają tylko interesy. Hejnał Mariacki, urwany wskutek tego, że strzała przebiła gardło trębacza, jest dowodem najazdów tatarskich - ale chorągwie tatarskie służyły również potem Rzeczypospolitej - a gdyby dziś Tatarstan chciał, wzorem Czeczenii…

Janusz Korwin Mikke, 2008, August 25, Monday

[Niepoprawni.pl - Blogerzy dla blogerów] Inwestorzy uciekają z Rosji

czytaj dalej

admin, 2008, August 25, Monday

[paszport - Google Blog Search] Praca w Niemczech

Następujące dokumenty są wymagane w ramach stosowania: ważny paszport, dwie fotografie paszport; umowy o pracę lub, jeżeli student, przyznanie świadectwa z uniwersytetu Niemiecki; i dowód na to, że indywidualne będą mogły wspierać ...

artur87, 2008, August 25, Monday

[Niepoprawni.pl - Blogerzy dla blogerów] Obama maluje trawę na zielono! Geremek nie wyprzedzał.Twarde owoce miękną.Carla Bruni miała tylko 30? Wałęsa w niełaskach!

czytaj dalej

antysalon, 2008, August 25, Monday

[emigracja - Google Blog Search] Kolonie Polski

Było to obszar wielkiej emigracji na rzecz chłopów szukających ziemi poprzednio I wojną światową. W latach 30. Paranę zamieszkiwało 150 000 Polaków (w tym Kurytybę i jej okolice wokół 45 000). Polacy w tym stanie stanowili 18,3% ...

unknown, 2008, August 25, Monday


Zestawienie to wskazuje, jak realizowano kombinację operacyjną i w jaki sposób przebiegała ścisła współpraca dziennikarzy „Dziennika” ze służbami (SKW, ABW) i politykami PO. Jak już napisałem wcześniej – cała kombinacja byłaby niemożliwa do zrealizowania bez udziału mediów. Wszystkie cytowane poniżej artykuły „Dziennika” są autorstwa Anny Marszałek, w kilku przypadkach rolę przejął Paweł Reszka. Jestem przekonany, że większość czytelników samodzi...

w.s_media, 2008, August 25, Monday

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