niedziela, 3 kwietnia 2011

Nowość na blogspocie

Myślałem, że to tylko żart Primaaprilisowy. Okazuje się jednak, że flipper działa.

These views require modern browsers such as Internet Explorer 8+, Firefox 3.5+, Chrome or Safari. Many elements of these views will not work should you have an older browser.

31 marca 2011

Nowe widoki szablonów Bloggera ~ Dante fun 

via on 4/3/11
These dynamic views will work on your blog if all of the following are true:

  • Your blog is public. Your readers don’t need to sign in to view your blog.

  • Your blog has feeds fully enabled. In the Settings | Site feed tab, you have enabled either Full or Jump Break for your Post Feed.

  • You have not disabled dynamic views. In the Setting | Formatting tab, the option for Enable Dynamic Views is set to Yes.

  • If any of the above conditions are not true, users who attempt to access dynamic views for your blog will instead be taken to a landing page and redirected to your original blog in a few seconds.
    Dynamic views in Blogger require the use of a modern browser and aren't yet supported on a number of mobile devices.
    Please upgrade your browser by clicking on one of the links below or, if on a mobile device,visit the original blog.
    ChromeFirefoxSafariInternet Explorer
    LINKUJMY! - akcja hipertextowa