These views require modern browsers such as Internet Explorer 8+, Firefox 3.5+, Chrome or Safari. Many elements of these views will not work should you have an older browser.
31 marca 2011
Nowe widoki szablonów Bloggera ~ Dante fun
via on 4/3/11
These dynamic views will work on your blog if all of the following are true:
Your blog is public. Your readers don’t need to sign in to view your blog.
Your blog has feeds fully enabled. In the Settings | Site feed tab, you have enabled either Full or Jump Break for your Post Feed.
You have not disabled dynamic views. In the Setting | Formatting tab, the option for Enable Dynamic Views is set to Yes.
If any of the above conditions are not true, users who attempt to access dynamic views for your blog will instead be taken to a landing page and redirected to your original blog in a few seconds.
If any of the above conditions are not true, users who attempt to access dynamic views for your blog will instead be taken to a landing page and redirected to your original blog in a few seconds.
Dynamic views in Blogger require the use of a modern browser and aren't yet supported on a number of mobile devices.
Please upgrade your browser by clicking on one of the links below or, if on a mobile device,visit the original blog.
ChromeFirefoxSafariInternet Explorer