Teresa Bochwic
Piękny obrót smukłej sylwetki, lewa noga tanecznie wygięta, i... kop w twarz stewarda. Wysoko mierzył, trafił. Świetnie wykonał, a to niełatwa sztuka. Bolszoj, wielki teatr moskiewski, ale kop niestety prawdziwy. Na filmie wygląda to wręcz jak zamysł choreograficzny. Szkoda, że ten fragment gdzieś...
Depesza agencyjna Rolexa z lewą nogą w liczbie mnogiej
via Free Poland Info - news from Poland by Rolex on 6/13/12
An exquisite movement of the well trained body, left leg stretched as if it were in a dancing pose hits the face of a steward. The attacker aimed high but he hit the target, and this is not an easy art. Looked at first like the Moscow’s dancing theatre – Bolshoi – show’s part but the hit was, unfortunately, real. Watching the clip one can have an impression that it was a bit of choreography. It’s a pity that shot disappeared, but it was there, I saw it with my very own eyes.
Depesza agencyjna Gugla
Beautiful slim figure rotation, left leg bent, dancing, and .. kick in the face of the steward. Highly measured, hit. Well done, and this is an art form. Bolshoi, the great theater of Moscow, but unfortunately a real kick. In the film, it looks almost like a choreographic idea. It is unfortunate that this piece somewhere ...