To chyba już piąte polskie Huffington Post będzie... ;-).Sukces Huffington Post rozpalał wyobraźnię wielu Polaków, szczególnie tych związanych co nieco z polityką (i dziennikarstwem). Najszybciej wystartował Salon24 znanego dziennikarza Igora Janke i szybko pnie się w górę. Ostatnio poinformowano, że Salon24 sprzedał 12% udziałów prywatnemu inwestorowi za 500 tys. zł. W przyszłym roku spółka ma zadebiutować na rynku New Connect. Za Salon24 poszli inni znani dziennikarze – Tomasz Machała, który założył serwis Kampanianazywo.pl oraz bracia Karnowscy, którzy rozwijają serwis Wpolityce.pl.
za pomocą Wiemy jak ma funkcjonować polski Huffington Post Tomasza Lisa (chyba) « Spider's Web.

via occupy wall street - Google News on 11/7/11
![]() ABC News |
Occupy Wall Street - "We Are What Democracy Looks Like!"
Huffington Post Given how extraordinarily successful it has been both in its own terms and in its capacity to grab the attention of the media, Occupy Wall Street has been conveniently misunderstood by its supporters and detractors alike. ... The Nation: The Audacity of Occupy Wall StreetNPR Poll: Occupiers fare better than Wall St.CBS News Occupy Wall Street is the fringe of the political leftUnited Liberty The Hill (blog) -Bizjournals.com (blog) all 1,536 news articles » |
via occupy wall street - Google News on 11/7/11
Rudy Giuliani Hammers Obama and Occupy Wall Street Movement
Huffington Post (blog) Three thoughts about Rudy Giuliani's attack on Barack Obama for "owning" the Occupy Wall Street movement. "It would not have happened, it would not have happened but for his class warfare," the former mayor said, predicting that the movement would be ... Giuliani: Obama Propels Occupy Movement, It Will Doom HimNewsMax.com all 4 news articles » |
Tomasz Lis, editor-in-chief of one of Poland's biggest weekly magazines, “Wprost”, and a host of a political talk show, announced the upcoming launch of a new journalistic platform in 2012 - unofficially called the “Polish Huffington Post” [pl]. His presentation generated lots of reactions, especially on Polish tech blogs, which criticized the idea. Among the critics are Maciej Budzich [pl] and Radek Zaleski [pl]. Lis suprised everyone by addressing allegations almost personally and publishing special answers to both Budzich [pl] and Zaleski [pl].
OdpowiedzUsuńza pomocą Poland: Bloggers reactions to Tomasz Lis’ announcement of “Polish Huffington Post” · Global Voices.